More evidence for the existence of God and reliability of the bible:

A short video (just over 6 minutes) showing how the fine-tuning of the universe makes it unthinkable that it was not designed for life.

An in depth look at the Kalam Cosmological Argument and why God is the best explanation for the existence of the universe.

Biblical scholar Wes Huff makes a compelling case for the trustworthiness of the Christian Scriptures.

The information system that all life depends on points to design.

A short look at the Moral Argument for God’s existence.

Does the Bible really conflict with science as some claim or does Genesis provide a foundation for understanding both theology and the physical universe? This powerful documentary highlights experts in multiple fields of study showing that our world makes a lot more sense in light of the history contained in Genesis. This film is well worth setting aside time to watch!

Mike Winger and Dr. Peter Williams Discuss the cumulative case for the reliability of the New Testament Gospels

Dr. Mike Licona debunks the myth that Christianity is just an adaptation of earlier religions and mythologies.

Below is a four part series of Christian Challenge videos comparing the biblical Christian Worldview to Atheism and showing that Christianity has the best answers to life’s biggest questions:

Discover how the Christian worldview compares to atheism in answering the question: where did we come from?

The ultimate purpose for human existence is something best explained by biblical Christianity.

Although atheists can be moral people, objective morality would not exist without God.

This is one of the most important questions you can ask because eternity hangs in the balance.